SAKK/Novartis Together for Patients Award

SAKK/Novartis Together for Patients Award

SAKK, in collaboration with Novartis, offers a prize for innovative patient-centered projects in oncology and hematology. The prize will be worth a maximum of CHF 30,000 and supports ongoing or planned projects. Applications for hemato-oncology projects are particularly encouraged.



Projects with the following objectives can be submitted:

  • Preventing hemato-oncological and oncological diseases and/or,
  • Reducing the disease burden on patients and/or their families and/or,
  • Improving patient care by optimizing prevention, networking, care, education, communication, outcome, or quality of life

Applications are open to individual healthcare professionals or groups working in the health sector (practicing doctors, health care representatives, nurses, etc.) and working in Switzerland (hospital, private practice, or other institution).



Briefly, the application must:

  • be written in English
  • include the project title, rationale, aim of the project and how this improves the care of hematological and/or oncological patients 
  • include a detailed description of the project encompassing the project plan, timelines/duration of the project (max. 5 pages, excl. resume)
  • include a detailed financial plan/budget (please be aware that the awarded amount is dependent on the costs still ongoing and may be less than CHF 30,000.- if upcoming project costs are lower. The award will not cover past costs.) 
  • include the applicants’ resumes (max. 2 pages)

Applications that do not fulfill all of the above-mentioned requirements cannot be considered.


Please send your application until March 31st, 2025.

Applications must be submitted electronically via SAKK, 

For further information please refer to the documents below.

In collaboration with Novartis