Participate in a trial

As a patient, you would like to receive the best possible therapy currently available. If you are eligible to participate in a trial, you may be able to benefit from the advantages of a treatment even before it is established as a standard therapy. 

Requirements for participation

Every trial is aimed at patients with certain characteristics. Before your eligibility to participate in a trial can be determined, these characteristics must be established in a series of careful examinations:

  • Diagnosis and progression of the disease
  • General state of health
  • Function of organs (kidneys, liver, heart, lungs)
  • Other or preceding diseases and treatments
  • Required medication

In any case, your trial participation requires your approval and informed consent. You will be asked to sign a declaration of consent to confirm that you are participating voluntarily. However, you may also refuse to take part without suffering any disadvantages for your further treatment. In the event of your refusal, your doctor will discuss the best alternative treatment options with you. 

Data protection

All data collected for clinical trials in Switzerland are subject to the Swiss Data Protection Act. If you have any questions regarding data protection please contact the SAKK data protection officer by e-mail at:

The European Data Protection Regulation applies to clinical data at the European level. The EORTC (European Organization for Treatment and Research of Cancer, Brussels) represents SAKK within the scope of this data protection regulation (GDPR (EU) 2016/679). More information about EORTC is available at

Further information

Have you found a trial on our website that you think could be right for you or someone you know? Get in touch with the clinical investigator or one of the participating centers and hospitals to determine whether you are eligible; all the contact information is available on the respective trial page on our website: