Collaboration with industry partners
A large number of our trials are optimization studies in which existing cancer therapies are being further developed. Accordingly, the synergies between SAKK and the pharmaceutical companies who partially finance our trials are vital. We have defined guidelines for how we collaborate with our industry partners.

Guidelines for collaboration
SAKK Industry Pool
The purpose of the Industry Pool is to establish a platform for frequent dialog between SAKK and pharmaceutical companies. It is currently comprised of 30 companies. The members of the Industry Pool are given the opportunity to increase their visibility in the SAKK network and to regularly exchange information with SAKK representatives.
The list of the SAKK industrial partners can be found on our Network page.
Become a member and benefit from the following advantages:
- Attend the SAKK Industry Pool meetings, the SAKK semi-annual meetings (twice a year, June and November) and the public part of the groject group meetings;
- Receive various SAKK publications, e.g. the SAKK newsletter, Swiss Cancer Bulletin, annual report;
- Apply for a "discussion corner" or organize a satellite symposium at the SAKK semi-annual meeting;
- Advertise in the Swiss Cancer Bulletin.
Are you interested in becoming a member? Please contact us with the form below: