Project Group Gastrointestinal Cancer

Alexander Siebenhüner
PD Dr. med.
President Project Group Gastrointestinal Cancer
Sara De Dosso
PD Dr. med.
De Dosso
Vice President Project Group Gastrointestinal Cancer


The Gastrointestinal Cancer project group is a truly multidisciplinary group and has attracted more than 25 % of new members in the past two years. Medical oncologists, surgeons, radiooncologists, pathologists, gastroenterologists and radiologists from all settings collaborate in this largest project group of SAKK. Activities cover basically all frequent and some rare GI tumors and aspects of research from phase III to translational research, functional imaging, health economic aspects, but also quality of life, which is of ultimate importance to our patients.

The group is open to new proposals and is actively seeking new ideas and international collaborations. Clinical relevant trials are the more and more difficult to run as patients are divided into molecularly defined subgroups, which are getting smaller and smaller. Collaboration might be the key to success, as investigators compete within Europe for ideas and funding in a quickly changing environment.

Please find the current projects here.