The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) is proud to be a key partner in contributing to a dataset of oncology patients from many hospitals across Switzerland. We are pleased that the following members are participating in this program: Cantonal Hospital Lucerne (LUKS), Cantonal Hospital Aarau (KSA), Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC), Cantonal Hospital Baden (KSB), and Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen (KSSG).
In addition, SAKK's existing infrastructure for oncology registries enables hospitals outside of the university clinics and all its members to participate in SPHN/BioMedIT projects. SAKK's standardized data set and database enables secure and interoperable data exchange with the BioMedIT infrastructure through the implementation of the SPHN Connector.
This is a significant step forward for the SPHN network to share data in standardized and efficient ways across Swiss healthcare institutions. This initiative will help improve healthcare outcomes through personalized medicine research.